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Our Story

The Fourth of July

My fiancé proposed on the Fourth of July. My mother asked us to go to the backyard to get some chairs and he took me by the shed where we could see all of the fireworks. He kissed me, then he took the ring box out of his pocket and asked me to be his wife. He was shaking a little. The proposal was a little silly but perfect, just like him." — Jeska Cords

Ian Wilson

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Kelly Johnson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Distinctio mollitia, ipsa accusamus eius. Aspernatur ab sed minima, doloremque eligendi voluptatibus repellat unde, facilis natus ex ipsum eius atque suscipit fugit.

We’re Getting Married!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium nisi earum nihil perspiciatis magnam facilis, error explicabo obcaecati maiores sunt exercitationem doloribus tempora, sit voluptate autem quibusdam velit alias. Reprehenderit.

Our Story

The Fourth of July

My fiancé proposed on the Fourth of July. My mother asked us to go to the backyard to get some chairs and he took me by the shed where we could see all of the fireworks. He kissed me, then he took the ring box out of his pocket and asked me to be his wife. He was shaking a little. The proposal was a little silly but perfect, just like him." — Jeska Cords

Carita Kimball

Are getting married
on August 10, 2017

St. Thomas's Church,
Bristol, U.K.

Lee Guarino

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